2023-10-16 mk’s Word – Racks of RAC’s Records

Get moving …

I’ve been spending a lot more time than my usual day a week at RAC these days.

As some of you know, it was decided that after 30 years as an organization, it was time for a bit of a refresh. After decades of “Idon’tknowwhattodowiththisstuff lets just put it in the storage room”, it was finally time to tackle the boxes. So many boxes. Sooo maanny boxes.

RAC storage room picture by VE3FFK

Some of it was obviously toss material. Some were keepers. Then there’s all the stuff in between. What do you do with a bound set of QST from 1929? How about a 1992 handbook? What has to be shredded, and what can just be recycled as is? The decisions are exhausting. I’m a “keeper” by inclination, while Craig VE3OP/VE3KKU is a thrower. It makes for interesting discussions, but we haven’t started yelling at each other yet.

Radio news

On the radio front, not much is happening. it’s been months since I looked at the contest calendar. The two nets I try to get to every week (Capital City and Pot Lid) seem to be sagging. I’m going to have to just get in some seat time in front of a radio again to get back into the game.


Last Updated on 2024-12-23 by AdminOARC