
Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash


At the June 2024 Annual Meeting, club members failed to elect directors to several critical positions. To complicate matters, the club needs to alter its bylaws to conform to the new Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations Act by October 19, 2024 which will most likely result in a change to the number and type of directors. As a result, the information below may not be complete or accurate. It will be adjusted as soon as possible.

The OARC executive consist of a board of 7 directors elected annually by the members at the Annual General Meeting, namely:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Three (3) directors at large

The immediate past president is a member of the board, bringing the total to 8 directors.

The board also appoints two additional directors (for a total of 10) namely:

  • Editor of the club bulletin
  • Chair of the repeater committee

Other appointed committee chairs are NOT board members. However, members of the board can also serve as committee chairs or members.

Ottawa Amateur Radio Club Board Members 2024-2025

Position Name Callsign Email
PresidentEd StrangeVA2XCpresident@oarc.net
Past PresidentDave ScobieVE3BOWpastpresident@oarc.net
Vice Presidentvacantvp@oarc.net
Treasurer (pro tem)Daniel BouletVA3GLBtreasurer@oarc.net
Groundwave (bulletin) editorvacant
Repeater and technical chairHarrie JonesVE3HYSrepeater@oarc.net
Director 1Ed SichVE3WGOhamfest@oarc.net
Director 2vacant
Director 3vacant

Ottawa Amateur Radio Club Committee Appointees 2024-2025

Position Name Callsign Email
Membership chairvacantmembership@oarc.net
Website (pro tem)Neil HerberVE3PUEwebsite@oarc.net
ISED Delegated ExaminerMike KellyVE3FFKve3ffk_at_gmail.com
Hamfest/fleamarket chairEd SichVE3WGOhamfest@oarc.net
Radio in the Park (RITP) chairBill ByrneVA3IENritp@oarc.net

Ottawa Amateur Radio Club By Law No. 1 – 1979-07-02

Last Updated on 2024-06-21 by AdminOARC