Club examiner’s report …
First, my year-end examiner report from June 1, 2023 to May 31 2024:
- 40 exams were conducted in total
- Morse qualification 1
- Morse qualification fail 1
- Basic with Honours 14
- Basic qualification 7
- Basic fail 9
- Advanced qualification 6
- Advanced qualification fail 2
Some of those who failed an exam subsequently re-wrote and passed. Two candidates received 100% on the basic exam, one of them also received 100% on the advanced at the same sitting.
The larger than normal number of exams is due to two sessions for the Carleton University Aerospace group, who are now working on getting one of their members qualified to become examiners in their own right. (i.e. achieving Basic, Advanced and Morse qualifications)
There has already been one exam in June.
News and views …
The second bit of news is that I am taking on the task of Capital City Net manager, giving ZRK a well deserved rest. He leaves the net in good shape, with a large enough roster of net controllers that no one has to be there too often. I will be emailing the controllers soon. Meanwhile if anyone wants on (or off) the roster, or has comments or suggestions, let me know.
Field day is coming together well, with YTZ coordinating once again. Set up at Scout HQ is on June 21 and 22, with operation on June 22 and 23. No two field days are ever the same, so lets see what happens this year. Y’all come.
I finally got the bike on the road today, a record late start. I won’t likely be doing any bike mobile, but with propagation so good on the high bands, you never know.
At the June meeting it became apparent that the OARC is in trouble. We need a few volunteers to take on executive positions or there won’t be a club. Step up.
keep cool
Last Updated on 2024-06-17 by AdminOARC