2024-10-18 JOTA – Scouts Jamboree On The Air

Friday to Sunday, October 18-20, 2024

JOTA 2022

Event notice

The Jamboree on the Air, or JOTA, is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world, around Canada, and in your own community. Held on the third full weekend of October each year, this worldwide jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby amateur radio shack, Scout meeting place, camp or community center. JOTA started in 1958 with the World JOTA Bureau located right here in Ottawa, Canada.

Scouts will be operating from Scout HQ at 1345 Baseline Road for the weekend. They are welcoming other amateur radio operators and the general public to join them, either on the air or in person at Scout HQ.

Are you a scouter who can volunteer to help at this event? Please contact the organizers ASAP at ve3shq@scouts.ca .

JOTA news flash from the organizers:

When available, we will post the PDF that has a full list of operating frequencies and loads of other details.

BandSSB (Phone)CW (Morse)
80m3.740 & 3.940 MHz3.590 MHz
40m7.090 & 7.190 MHz7.030 MHz
20m14.290 MHz14.060 MHz
17m18.140 MHz18.080 MHz
15m21.360 MHz21.140 MHz
12m24.960 MHz24.910 MHz
10m28.390 MHz28.180 MHz
6m50.160 MHz50.160 MHz

Last Updated on 2024-12-23 by AdminOARC