2022-05-11 John Portune W6NBC “Building the Moxon antenna”

Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 @ 7:30 PM ET

John Portune W6NBC

Meeting details

John Portune W6NBC returns to the OARC to help us build a 10 m Moxon antenna. John is an amateur with over 25 articles published under his name. Following his presentation to the OARC in March 2022, “Foil tape antenna building”, there were so many requests to have John return that we reached out to him, and he has kindly agreed to speak to us again. Thanks, John!

As John explains, this is a great project for a new ham wanting to experience the coming peak of sunspot cycle 25. Also, the design of the Moxon is flexible enough that experienced builders can easily extend its capabilities to the lower HF bands. John considers it an excellent antenna for portable and field day operation.

For those of us not in the know, the Moxon antenna or ‘Moxon Rectangle’ is a simple and mechanically robust two-element parasitic array, single-frequency antenna. The design is rectangular, with slightly less than half of the rectangle being the driven element (radiator) and the other part (slightly more than half) being the reflector. It is electrically equivalent to a two-element Yagi antenna with bent elements and without directors.

A Moxon antenna for 10 m operation.

John is a regular speaker at ham radio events, and several of his articles have been published in QST, most recently in February 2021 when he provided information on how to build an “ugly” coax choke balun. Come out and join us for John’s presentation and learn about building a Moxon antenna.

If you want to know more about John, visit his website at https://w6nbc.com/ or read his bio at https://w6nbc.com/documents/BioW6NBC.pdf.


Join us for this Zoom presentation. OARC members will receive an email with information on how to join the meeting.

Non-members are always welcome. Please send a request to meetings@oarc.net and ask for an invitation.

Missed the original presentation?

John allowed us to record the meeting and post it here. Many thanks to him!

Last Updated on 2022-11-15 by AdminOARC

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